Wecolme to the Human Capital!#

This is a website with all routines that I coded for the Human Capital PhD course thaught by Fan Wang in the department of economics at the University of Houston.

In this course we replicated famous papers that used structural models to answer questions related to Human capital. The papers are:

  • DHS: Incentives Work: Getting Teachers to Come to School by Esther Duflo, Rema Hanna and Stephen P. Ryan.

  • AMS: Education Choices in Mexico: Using a Structural Model and a Randomized Experiment to Evaluate PROGRESA by Orazio P. Attanasio, Costas Meghir and Ana Santiago.

  • KW: The Career Decisions of Young Men by Michael P. Keane and Kenneth I. Wolpin.

In this website you will find the code routines and its outputs, as tables, dataset and plots. Feel free to give me a feedback using this link.